Ketanji Brown Jackson is confirmed by the Senate and becomes the first black Supreme Court justice.

Ketanji Brown Jackson

Who is Ketanji Brown Jackson?

It is well known that Ketanji Brown Jackson is a famous lawyer and jurist from the United States of America who has served as a federal judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit since the year 2021. She was appointed as an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court and became the first Black woman to serve as Chief Justice of the United States.

As Jackson recalls, her parents, who at the time were public school teachers, gave her the African name Ketanji Onyika because they had heard that it meant “lovely,” and he shared his pride in his ancestors.

After graduating from Harvard University Law School in 1999, she worked for a short period of time as an assistant to Justice Breyer in 2000. While practicing law in the private sector and working as a public defender, she was also a practicing attorney in the public sector.

Ketanji Brown Jackson
Ketanji Brown Jackson

Former President Barack Obama nominated her for trial court judge in the District of Columbia in 2013.

Biden proposed that she be appointed to the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals in 2021 at Biden’s recommendation. However, Senator Romney voted against her nomination. Originally, Lindsey Graham was in favor of it, but now she is opposed.

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Before that court, Jackson was part of the three-judge panel that tossed out former president Donald Trump’s attempt to not turn over documents to the congressional committee investigating the assault on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6, 2021.

A few of the Republicans insisted on asking him what his judicial philosophy was to get an idea of what it will be like for him on the Supreme Court. Conservatism tends to adhere to an interpretation of the Constitution of 1787 that adheres to originalism or textualism in which the Constitution is interpreted literally. Moreover, more liberal versions of the Magna Carta also attempt to make it more relevant to modern times.

According to Jackson, his work has never been registered in any database. Having served as a judge for almost a decade, she said she takes her responsibilities and duty to be an independent judge very seriously. “I make my decisions based on a neutral position,” she said. According to my oath, I evaluate the facts, interpret the law, and apply the law to the facts of the case before me without fear or favor.

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is appointed to US Supreme Court Judge.

The full Senate has confirmed Ketanji Brown Jackson as the person to fill the position vacated this summer by Stephen Breyer, who is resigning.

Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed on Thursday by 53 to 47 in the United States Senate. She will become the first African-American woman to be confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court by the United States Senate. She achieved her goal with the support of members of both parties.

The Republican senators Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Mitt Romney of Utah broke party lines to vote for the judge.

It wasn’t long ago that the three had added their votes to that of the Democratic caucus, closing the debate and allowing the final vote to take place.

Despite the long wait for Republican Senator Rand Paul, who used up most of the 15 minutes allotted for voting and cast his negative vote at the end of that time, Vice President Kamala Harris, in her capacity as Senate President, announced the final result with which the appointment of the new magistrate was ratified.

As soon as the results were announced, there was a standing ovation to celebrate the result. To highlight that this was a very lonely moment for Senator Romney, he applauded and stood up on the side where the Republican caucus was seated, which had almost abandoned the whole room.

In an interview with reporters covering the White House, Brown Jackson stated that he witnessed the vote at the White House alongside allies led by Vice President Joe Biden. It is planned that both will participate in an event to mark the occasion at the White House on Friday.

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Ketanji Brown Jackson

Ketanji Brown Jackson Make History – First Black Woman On US Supreme Court |

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, 51, will take over the helm of the Supreme Court when Justice Stephen Breyer retires at the end of June after the current term ends.

Having been nominated by President Biden, Brown Jackson is the third African American to serve on the Supreme Court after Thurgood Marshall (who served from 1967 to 1991) and Clarence Thomas. Brown Jackson is also the sixth woman to serve on the Supreme Court.

Having Jackson serve on what is arguably the most powerful court in the nation won’t affect the so-called balance of the Supreme Court, which favors conservatives 6 to 3 against liberals.

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Ketanji Brown Jackson Get Bipartisan Support

It is important to note that although Collins, Murkowski, and Romney failed to gain a single vote on the Senate floor from conservatives on the Judiciary Committee, they nonetheless contributed to the Democratic majority’s success in overcoming the “vote deadlock,” bringing the nomination to the floor, and helping to earn the simple majority they needed. The purpose of this vote is to confirm her in office. 

Using a similar argument to justify the direction of their vote, they established that they may not always agree with all the decisions they make. Still, they do not doubt that Judge Jackson meets the standards of qualifications as a jurist and the level of honor expected of any member of the Supreme Court.

Nevertheless, his appointment is bipartisan, even if it is only by three votes, is still a significant achievement for Biden in this time of polarization and with the Senate divided 50-50.

Especially after the harsh Brown Jackson hearings, some Republican lawmakers aggressively grilled her, attempting to portray her as excessively liberal and soft on criminals (particularly child pornographers). In addition, she questioned her role in representing Guantánamo detainees, something she did in her capacity as a public defender.

Additionally to the bitter interrogations, there were also moments of emotion, such as when African-American Democratic Senator Cory Booker (New Jersey) brought tears to the judge with the passionate defense of his candidacy.

I told my sister, “Don’t worry so much, sister; God is with you. I know this because I grew up in that neighborhood. I understand what it took for you to be here, and I know what it takes for me to sit in that seat,” Booker said.

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