Who is Nick Ochs? Check founder of Proud Boys’ 23+ Unknown facts

Nick Ochs Proud Boy

Nicholas Ochs Aka Nick Ochs is a White man Hawaii Proud Boy. Nick Ochs is a member of the Proud Boys and has been associated with the group for many years. Nick has been involved in many scuffles with anti-fascists and Antifa protests during his time in Vancouver. 

Hawaii Proud Boy Nicholas Ochs was accused of serious criminal charges against him related to U.S Capitol on January 6, 2021, with a pro-Trump mob. The protestors were intent on breaching the barrier and preventing left-wing protesters from entering the building.

Nick Ochs Proud Boy
Nick Ochs Proud Boy

 A potential lawsuit has been filed against Ochs by a legal representative of the U.S Capitol Police. The officer was injured but not seriously enough to require medical attention.

Ochs yelled that he was “a patriot” as he ran away from authorities in the event after a fight had broken out on January third when members of Antifa and other counter-protest groups had overrun police barricades who backed off when the rioters got close to intervening with violence. Officers did not appear to charge in batons or attack shields without wearing body armor, helmets, gloves, and boots.

Nick Ochs
Nick Ochs

Check Out Proud Boys of Hawaii Nick Ochs 21+ Unknown facts

  1. Nicholas Ochs, Aka Nick Ochs, is a White man.
  2. He lives in Waikiki, Hawaii, United States.
  3. Nicholas Ochs is a member of the Proud Boys,  and founder of Hawaii Chapter of Proud Boys.
  4. Nick Ochs are known to be big supporters of Trump.
  5. Also He is known for Slogan  as well as founder of the  notorious group Murder the Media, Telegram and DLive.
  6. Nick Ochs Married Shawna Harris and having one children together.
  7. The Proud Boys are known for their aggressive and confrontational approach towards left-wing groups such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
  8. After he was arrested after January 6, 2017, he was charged with inciting a riot and two counts of assaulting a police officer.
  9. The Proud Boys Pennsylvania Chapter were affiliated with the group but are now defunct. 
  10. The U.S Capitol Police have said that Ochs’ actions were considered “incredibly reckless and frankly stupid” and that he intended to cause trouble.
  11. Nick Ochs has a criminal record in California for assault against police and a series of offences related to drugs. 
  12. After serving part of his sentence in California, he moved to Washington state, joining the local Trump supporters club. 
  13. Nick Ochs has allegedly been interviewed by the FBI in 2017, 2018, and 2019.
  14. Nick Ochs is also alleged to have visited Russia in 2017. 
  15.  Nick Ochs was born in Hawaii to white parents on August 15, 1988. He has an older brother and a younger sister. The Proud Boys are a far-right group known for their frequent right-wing racist activities and support for Trump. 
  16. Nick Ochs is a born citizen of the United States.
  17. Nick Ochs lives in Hawaii. His current mobile phone number does not exist in Hawaii’s state records. 
  18. Friends who have met Nick Ochs describe him as “a good guy” and say that he is very friendly towards them.
  19. The Proud Boys do not appear to have a local group or chapter in Washington state. However, they were seen at several Donald Trump rallies in Washington state during the 2016 election campaign, with groups known as the Proud Boys giving speeches at these events.
  20. Nick Ochs is alleged to be a member of Proud Boys International.
  21. Nick Ochs is an independent contractor who does not appear to hold an official position with the Proud Boys group.
  22. A source who has met Ochs described him as a “nice guy” who “doesn’t talk much.” The source said that he would be “rude to people in public, but once he’s in his private life he’s a normal guy. He would never do anything stupid. He’d never agitate anyone for any reason. He just hates SJWs.” A source who has talked with Nick Ochs says that he doesn’t seem to be racist and is not a white nationalist, saying they have “no idea where he stands on anything other than the Proud Boys.”
  23. – Washington State Proud Boys do not appear to have any websites and have no official social media presence. It was reported by the Guardian that there are about 6 members of the Proud Boys in Washington state at present.  The main group is located in Vancouver, Canada and does not appear to have a firm physical presence in Washington state.
  24. Nick Ochs Instagram : Unknown will be updated soon.

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